“Jack Burton”

In “Jack Burton” we catch up with Jack (Kurt Russell) at his cabin by the lake. The lumbering, slobbering Wild-Man, last seen emerging from Jack’s rig, is somewhat pacified now and is his pet. Jack himself is up to his old tricks: hauling ass, gambling and pumping himself up on the CB. He’s also having…

“Alien Three”

By no means is this an original idea. It taps the “Alien” well that we already know more than once. But what it does do is suppose a second sequel that includes Hicks, Newt and the android Bishop. David Fincher’s “Alien 3” killed the former two in the prologue of that film and unplugged Bishop…

“They’re Living”

Nada lives! After a spray of bullets from that helicopter in the final seconds of John Carpenter’s “They Live,” our wounded blue-collar hero is dragged to an unlikely place by an unexpected ally, zapped by the physics of light to the aliens’ home world by some of the very blue-skinned B.E.M.s that subliminally control Mother…

Chuck Zao

Chuck cocks his head when the man shouts. What’s he on about? With his missus sittin’ so Chardonay-quiet? Don’t vocal bomb here. Too tight of a space. He turns back to his bench of picnic-table wood, colored blue for the hell of it, and across the walls clothespins and postcards, post-war memories in K-mart frames,…

Alan Petrie

His pop wears a wig. Too dark to be 89. Too slick and combed flat to be any kind of natural growth. But he insists. Warms his scalp under the air con, he says. Makes him feel part of the planet, he says. Sure. “Black paint on a skeleton!” one kid mouths, skateboarding past in…